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Monday, September 28, 2009

Paashaankusha ekaadasi on Sept 29, 2009

Paashaankusha ekaadasi falls on September 29, 2009 this year. It is to be observed on the same date throughout the world.

Form of Shri Vishnu to be worshipped on this day - Lord Ananta Padmanaabha (see the picture above of Trivandrum Ananta Padmanabha swamy).

Importance of Paashaankusha ekaadasi

Paashaankusha ekaadasi will help in removing all sins just like any other ekaadasi. Apart from that, one who observes Paashaankusha ekaadasi will be able to realize all his/ her heart-felt dreams, and enjoy other benefits like freedom from vices (addictive behaviours of any kind that are detrimental to our well-being - both physical and spiritual), freedom from chronic karmic diseases, and finally moksha (liberation from cycle of births at the end of this incarnation). So, irrespective of what your goal in life is - whether it is dharma (great goals that have tinge of duty-consciousness in them!), artha (money), kaama (mundane desires like progenic bliss, good family life, etc.) or Moksha (Final Liberation from cycle of births), this ekaadasi will aid you in realization of that goal.

Brahma Vaivarta Puraanaic accounts attribute the merits of this Paashaankusa ekaadasi observance as equal to that acquired by performing numerous yagnas! Performing social service of some kind, or helping other souls in distress on this day is believed to help in realization of one's own true spiritual self.

May our members observe this ekaadasi and become recipients of Divine Grace.

Blessed be.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Indra Ekaadashi on September 14/ 15, 2009


Dear Members:

Indira Ekaashi fall on the waning phase of the Moon in the lunar month of Aswin (September-October by modern calendar). Simply put, it is the Ekaadashi that falls during the Mahaalaya paksha.

Indra Ekaadasi schedule for different regions around the globe in 2009

USA/ Canada, Carribean Islands, and other nations of the American continents - September 14, 2009.

For all other countries - September 15, 2009.

The importance of Indira Ekaadasi is explained in the Brahma vaivarta Puraana in a discussion between Lord Krishna and king Yudhishtra. Observance of this Ekaadasi will help in removing the sinful effects of actions done by oneself and also relieve deceased ancestors' souls from the remorse caused by their sinful actions when they lived on this earth. According to legends, King IndrasEnaa performed this fast on the advice of Devarishi Narada and saved his father from the remorse caused by his sins during his earthly life.

On the day before the observance of this ekaadasi fast, i.e. on dasami thithi, just one meal is eaten praying for ancestors' souls; on the Ekaadasi day a full fast is to be undertaken, and in the afternoon rituals for the satisfaction of pitrus are to be done; the fast is broken on dwaadasi day. If such an elaborate scheme is not feasible, you may just fast as usual on Ekaadasi day, and pray for peace of your pitrus' souls after the Ekaadasi pooja to Vishnu. What else can you do for you ancestors than undertaking this fast that can relive their souls of the burden/ remorse caused by sinful activities committed knowingly or unknowingly during their tenure on this earth?

Please note that this fast is not mandatory for those below 7 years/ above 70 years as is the common rule for Ekaadasi fasts. Similarly those who are sick are also exempt from this observance if their physical condition does not permit a full fast. Others should preferably undertake a full fast (abstaining even from water, if possible). Those who can't undertake such rigorous fasts due to practical circumstances should at least avoid all full-grains, onion/ garlic items, eating food outside, etc. and try to subsist on milk and fruits. The bottom line is - observe the fast to the best of your abilities and as best as your circumstances will permit the observance.

May our members observe this wonderful fast and gain liberty from sinful karma not only for themselves but also for their ancestors!

Blessed be.

Astrological and Remedial consultant

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sharada Navarathri from September 19, 2009

There are 6 Navaraathris in Honour of Mother Goddess - one for each Rithu (season), and this Navaraathri falling in Sharad Rithu is the most important as this is the celebration recommended for householders.

Navaraathri begins from September 19, 2009 for all places on earth except Hawaai. Those in Hawaai region need to observe it from September 18, 2009. Vijaya Dasami is to be observed throughout the world on September 28, 2009. This is one of the most auspicious days for beginning anything new. The whole day is deemed auspicious for all new activities.

It is traditional to keep "Kolu" - an arrangement of dolls during the Navaraathri. This is to signify that Divine Mother resides as Inner Soul in all forms (that is why the Kolu that represents various creations of Divine Mother is kept, and the dolls kept therein are treated as if they are idols kept in a pooja - with reverence). Kindly remember to keep at least 5 rows of kolu arrangement; avoid 7 rows (as per tradition); 9 rows, 11 rows, 13 rows (signifying each chapter of Chandi Path!), or 15 rows (representing each syllable of sri vidhya japam) as per convenience can also be kept. Thus minimum is 5, and maximum is 15 rows (very few people go beyond 9 rows in actual practice).

I request all our members to do simple prayers that are possible for them in Honour of Divine Mother during Navaraathri and receive Her Grace. Those who are initiated may recite Lalitha Sahasranaamam and Soundarya Lahiri on these days to become recipients of Divine Grace. Others may simply recite names like "Om Shree MaatrE namah" (Salutations to Thee who Art the Mother), "Om Durgaayai namah", "Om Sadaakshyai namah" (Salutations to Thee with 1000 Eyes = this is for prosperity), etc.

Those who have Tulsi plant in house may light a lamp in that sannidhi and offer 12 prostrations praying for peace and prosperity in the family and for the whole world. You may also read Divine legends related to Mother Goddess which have been identified as powerful ones for prosperity based on authentic classical sources and based on teachings of Sri Vidhya Upaasaka traditions. Many such legends abound in the classic Devi Bhaagavatam. One such legend can be read by clicking the following link:

You can also listen to wonderful Devi sthothras that are available for download from various sites in .mp3 format. There are some wonderful Devi sthothrams available in text format in the site You may visit these sites and use the text of sthothras for recital. Members of our paaraayanam group may listen to Devi hymns that have been uploaded there in the files section.

Worship of 9 Forms of Durga Devi on 9 days

There are 9 forms of Durga Devi - "Shaila Putri, Brahmachaarinii, Chandrakantaa, Kooshmaandaa, Skanda Maata, Kaatyaayinii, Kaala Raatrii, Mahaa Gourii, Siddhidaa." You may meditate on each of these names in order from day 1 till day 9 (like on the first day - keep chanting "Om Hreem Shaila Putryai namah" or simply "Hreem Shaila putri namo namah", etc.).
These 9 names by themselves are powerful words with immense Divinity in them. Details about these 9 forms may be available elsewhere in the net; so I am not going too much into details about these. Those who are interested may do a web search on this and get further information, if desired.

Important thing to note when doing navaraathri worship even in simplified forms in Honour of Mother Goddess

Treat all women with dignity and respect during these 9 days (actually women should be treated with respect at all times - but it is more important during these 9 days). Offer auspicious items like sindhoor, kumkum, turmeric paste/ powder/ tubers, small mirrors, bangles, blouse-bits (avoid black colour), small toys for young children, etc. as per your convenience and economic viability. Even unknown women (irrespective of caste, creed, or religion) who visit your houses accidentally during these periods must be treated with respect and courtesy - Mother may visit you in any form!

Special worship at my place during Navaraathri

As usual, special worships will be done at my place during Navarathri. I will pray for the welfare of all our members. But those who wish to sponsor the poojas are welcome to do so.

Just like last year, for this year also I have decided to restrict the no. of special beneficiaries for the poojas as one person per day. The sponsoring fee for a single day's pooja (right from morning till night....Ganapathy Homam, Laghu Chandi Homam, Full recital of Devi Mahaatymayam (chandi Path), Lalitha Sahasranaamam, Soundarya Lahiri, Dasa Maha Vidya japams, select verses from Devi Bhaagavatam each day, etc.) is US$65 (US Dollars sixty five only). (Resident Indians may remit Rs.3000/- (rupees three thousand only) if they wish to sponsor a single day's poojaas/ homams).

Just one person will be the special beneficiary of each day's religious routines. So, the list of beneficiaries will be drawn up on a first-come-first-served basis. I am giving special preference to Paaraayanam group members as per the stated objective of the group - giving special preference to our members when I restrict the no. of beneficiaries for special poojaas. (Two of the days are already booked up by two members of our group based on advanced request- on September 22, 2009 and September 27, 2009; so, there are 7 more days open for pooja sponsorship booking).

Mahaa Chandi Yagnya is also being planned on Vijaya Dasami day (September 28, 2009). Again the no. of participants in this is restricted to 5 persons. The sponsorship fee for the same will be US$350 (US Dollars three hundred and fifty only). Resident Indians may remit Rs.15,000 (rupees fifteen thousand only).

Those who are interested may get in touch with me through my email-id ( at the earliest to book your participation. You may send the money by demand draft drawn in favour of "R DAKSHINA MOORTHI" or by paypal after getting confirmation from me regarding your sponsorship previlege. (kindly get my confirmation before sending the money drafts because if the no. of beneficiaries touches 9, I will not be enrolling anymore persons as beneficiaries for daily navaraathri poojas. Similarly, for the Chandi homam, if the no. of beneficiaries touches 5, I will not be accepting any more persons as special beneficiaries).

Of course, I will pray for Universal Welfare and for the welfare of our group members at the end of the prayers. So, those who are unable to get enlisted as special beneficiaries due to sponsorship slots getting filled up, or who are unable to afford the sponsorship fees need not feel let down. The restriction in number of participants is only for enlistment as special sponsors as per indications I received in a Divine Revelation two years back.

Please note that those who sponsor the homams/ poojas need to come in person to get the prasad or holy ash of the homam. In case you are unable to attend the homam on the specified days, the inclusion of your name, birth star, rashi, and gothra details during the homam/ pooja sankalpam is deemed as "in=absentia" participation from your side. The homam prasad/ Holy Ash will not be sent by post due to ritual purity reasons.

May Divine Mother bless us all.

Blessed be.

Astrological and Remedial consultant

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